The concept of Truth is often dismissed as merely subjective in many areas of modern life. This book challenges that notion, utilizing scientifically verifiable and objective standards to demonstrate that Truth not only exists but must be acknowledged.

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Dr. Brian Keen
Dr. Brian Keen has been an entrepreneur since his youth, combining his passion for science and his dedication to discovering Truth. This journey led him to Orthodoxy, culminating in his doctoral thesis, Theology as a Scientific Discipline.
A Certified Trainer with a profound love for teaching, Dr. Keen has an impressive background in training. Through the Scout Movement, he earned four Wood Badges: Pack, Troop, Service Team, and Crew. He was also an active member of the Ontario Society for Training and Development (OSTD), contributing to the Government Liaison Committee by reviewing training materials and serving on the Professional Development Committee. In recognition of his efforts, the OSTD awarded him the Volunteer of the Year Award in 1989.
As President of the Railton Training Institute (RTI), a member of the Oral Roberts University Educational Fellowship (ORUEF), Dr. Keen achieved Provisional Accreditation status for the institute. At ORUEF’s Annual Meeting, he presented “Training vs. Teaching” to an audience of educators, leaving them inspired to incorporate training methodologies into their teaching practices.
Currently, Dr. Keen serves as the Certified Trainer at the Revelation Centre, where he offers innovative programs such as the Three-Tiered Training System, Train the Trainer Program, and Training in Revelation.